
Red Alert 3 Status

89 Players Online

3243423, 2rozzz, AW1BGFixOnixTG, Blackspark, Brynnicus, CWedvin, Combowack, DarkRaptor113, DerRoteBarren, Dr.Guzman, DuckyVii, DutchArmy123, EGYPTIAN_RUSHER, ElenHarpine, EnergYzDev, Fangz, Fisoo, Fizbne, FournTaX, Gamertake1009, Gediminas, Gitlerluchiy, Grimmech, Horst35, JOHNY0451, JadenTuer, KabanKabanovich, Killersaw28, Klimperkalle, KrusaderJones, KuzuDw, Leomessi1, Mad_Max16, ManshoonDC, Marc777Marc, MasterPurple, Morphax, O_Ren, Onurostomtos07, OtherDawn, OtherDusk, OtherDust, OtherDutch, OtherNoon, PANTHERK, Pandarovich, Panzar, Rhodes123, SergeiG, Sexyschnitte, SleeperMppd, Snuk123456, SockeHD, SophieAD, SveG, TheWithersBlade, Vatanai4, Warg93, Xcopy, YameteKudasay, ZAXMATZ, Zentier, ^^v-156[82]95--, _Vita_x, astrara3, azuk, besiktaspantro, d1Hase, danier, itsmehp2, lamGroot_Drax, lmaoballs, loganpea, loug, martinlucky, mikey123456, mr3c, notoyjy, payster, pompeu, puschi2208, qoluo, radyo, stone69, thenoob123, timaxcc, trip1802, vovanuxa, zehero

9 Games in Lobby

danier (2/2)Co-Op Pearl HarborPatch 1.12/1.13
KuzuDw (2/2)Co-Op MykonosPatch 1.12/1.13
SveG (2/2)Co-Op GenevaPatch 1.12/1.13
loug (2/2)Co-Op Deep OceanPatch 1.12/1.13
2v2v2 (4/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12/1.13
locked lolz (1/5)Loch MessGenerals Evolution 0.32
Grimmech (1/2)Feasel1 Ep1Unknown
CWedvin (2/2)Cabana RepublicPatch 1.12/1.13
JOHNY0451 (1/2)Battlebase BetaPatch 1.12/1.13

15 Games in Progress

d1Hase (2/2)Co-Op Mt. RushmorePatch 1.12/1.13
DerRoteBarren (2/2)Co-Op VorkutaPatch 1.12/1.13
Rhodes123 (2/2)Co-Op GenevaPatch 1.12/1.13
Sexyschnitte (2/2)Co-Op Von Esling AirbasePatch 1.12/1.13
Panzar (6/6)Elegance Multi Mcv New6 MinimapPatch 1.12/1.13
_Vita_x (2/2)Co-Op Mt. FujiPatch 1.12/1.13
astrara3 (2/2)Camp S03 Ex KomsomolskUnknown
locked Ged (2/2)Hostile HostelPatch 1.12/1.13
locked Episch (3/3)Swimming HazardGenerals Evolution 0.32
locked morphy (6/6)Sub-Zero HourPatch 1.12/1.13
KrusaderJones (2/2)Co-Op CannesPatch 1.12/1.13
locked ftjrjhrr (6/6)MagmageddonPatch 1.12/1.13
Xcopy (6/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12/1.13
OtherDutch (6/6)Dmap Hot Conflict[1.12.6]Patch 1.12/1.13
locked 1111 (6/6)Swimming HazardPatch 1.12/1.13

Kane's Wrath Status

75 Players Online

*MassiveAttack*, -HUT-, -Tommy-, ANIML.Bart, Andi37, AquAFinA, BarryBonds, Bladestormy8, CAPTAIN1362, ComanderQueer, CrawDaddy_, CryBaby4v4playr, CyborgDark, DJwobbleNRG, EgorXs, Fayaboy971, FreeHarv3stRide, FuTurMan<^^>, GeneralBombo, HANFTHESHIT, HELL.DRAGON, HowsYourHole, Infinity1381, KYROS971, KamiKane, KinderBeno, KloserUN, Kremzeek, LEON94, LaShawne, MONSTER2039, MihaXs3, Mr.Klk, MrDelko#1, OI^_^IO, Poise, Randy135NL, RyanLennoxx, S-WQW, Sergey`, SevTheReaper, SevereHowlinMad, SharpXwallker, She6terenka, Shevchenko21, Shrapnel, Sn1ssin, SoggyBalls, Spawling, StasXs, StormMain, Tipz, Ugrel, UnderworldFox, Unvanquished, VisceroidDealer, WashedZoggy, fitztheviking, geniephi, hlhl, macloaf, nonlinear-sys, pernillemoe81, perryfox2025, randStorm, sammy, sirkingjimmy, sreten, supfina, swanger, thegame2007, therosinman, wartech, xVIGORx, xuilkin228

8 Games in Lobby

sreten (3/6)Island Paradise SixPatch 1.02/1.03
big team games join (1/8)Frozen Dunes 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
ffa gg (1/5)Tiberium Gardens IIIPatch 1.02/1.03
spawling2s (5/5)the Harvest 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
1S (2/2)Tournament Highlands 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
ComanderQueer (3/6)Island Paradise (4) 2024Patch 1.02/1.03
all welcome (1/2)Focal Point T.c.a 1.0 SaharaPatch 1.02/1.03
Delko (1/6)Forgotten Forest Six 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03

13 Games in Progress

Go (2/2)Focal Point T.c.a 1.0 SaharaPatch 1.02/1.03
STORM 4's (4/4)Tiberium Rift 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
locked Fayaboy971 (2/2)Island Paradise (4) 2024Patch 1.02/1.03
locked Unvanquished (8/8)Summer Time 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
StasXs (6/6)Tiberium Resistance 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
1v1 (2/2)Tournament Odyssey 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
game (4/4)Slippery Slope 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
2V2 (4/4)Redzone Rampage 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
1's+ (4/4)Sick City 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
locked Snissin (6/6)Island Paradise Six 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
ao (6/6)4vs4 Comp Stomp War Unknown
wartech (2/2)Tournament DecisionPatch 1.02/1.03
locked fitztheviking (4/4)Focal Point City(4)Patch 1.02/1.03

Tiberium Wars Status

1 Players Online


0 Games in Lobby

0 Games in Progress

Zero Hour Status

63 Players Online

-DELTA9-, -SuperLazy-, AmpavSVD22, Arash_atwo22, BATMAN007, Bailey184, BigCIown, BlackfieldGR, BoossKing, Cesar, CrimCopykill, DaddYTrump, Elba2025, Fuffii36, GeneralSnoopy, Hauser464, Jeka1993, Jiko, JonTiger, KillAllFaggots, Lennny13, Marcell89, Maverik286, Mmdkbz, No`Bueno`, PDevery, Q_man, RS13A, SANTUS2017, Serfa8, StanislavX, TheHolyBible, Thinglet, Toomaster, Veronique, WhiteSage, ZEUS888, ZelenskyEatsToe, ahmed00700, amiroo77, babbel, basic123, bauer^, cRaMm, daegu, george154, guitarl3oy3, ironarmy1, judson, killerik151, meeeeeeeeeee, mental55, noobionI975, omigato, otman212, pejomocni, qrta, stockcitrus, stubawls, uill, vahshatnak, valeronm, vizonto1984

5 Games in Lobby

locked Lennny13 (3/3)Aod By Steve96 (easy, Medium And Hard) V1 [pashacnc Com]Patch 1.04/1.05
omigato (2/4)Casino Diamond V3 5 NochinookPatch 1.04/1.05
222 pro (4/6)Defcon6Patch 1.04/1.05
locked Nostalgic (4/6)Hostile DawnPatch 1.04/1.05
aod pro (5/5)[aod] Cobalt Rush V2Patch 1.04/1.05

Generals Status

0 Players Online

0 Games in Lobby


User ID 986850
Revora User Rapt0r1
Profiles Rapt0r1

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