C&C:Online - The new Command & Conquer multiplayer server

C&C:Online supports all 5 Command & Conquer titles affected by the GameSpy server shutdown.

C&C:Online is a community-made and -managed online server for Generals, Zero Hour, Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath, and Red Alert 3, allowing you to log in and continue playing online just like you could when GameSpy's servers were still online.

Playing on our server is absolutely free, but donations to our server are always welcome and needed. Your donations go directly towards server maintenance and improvements to the C&C:Online infrastructure.


Currently working features:

  • Hosting, joining and playing games
  • Chat
  • Buddy system
  • Statistics (via Shatabrick.com)
  • Ranking (via Shatabrick.com)

Together with GameReplays we are verifying users that want to keep their old nicknames (to prevent impersonation) and link these to existing statistics and rankings. Read more about this topic in the corresponding forum.

After the initial release, we will continue development to add more features. We are working on:

  • Launcher Replacement
  • RA3 Relog Fix
  • Connection Fixes

What can I do to help?

We need this news to be spread as far across the global C&C community as possible, so help us spread the word!

If you like this service please consider making a donation (see on top). Revora is a non-profit association, and so all proceeds go towards server costs and improving our infrastructure.

Revora Creative Network


The Revora Creative Network (Revora) is an online network and global community for creative projects. We focus mainly on the development and modding of video games, but we are also the home of other creative projects such as blogs, music and graphical art. Our main goal is to provide services to the benefit of these projects, such as giving them free hosting to showcase their project and maintaining community forums in which they can help each other with their work.

Revora Association

Revora is represented in all financial and legal matters by the Revora Association, a voluntary association based in Switzerland. Read more about the association and its goals on our association page.

You are welcome to visit our forums and contact us!

C&C:Online is supported by

GameReplays CNCNZ.com GenTool Shatabrick