
Red Alert 3 Status

99 Players Online

1ka, 2rozzz, A.L.A_86, AlkarinZ, Arnoldddddddddd, Assassin1156, BUCZEK, Boris135, CROW2025, ChexMixBOLD, Commandersanders, Contra666, Dentinho, Eddie53Server, Ephylla27, ErmungandPrime, FreeZe87, GenesisAria, Gerdarian, Ghostan53, Horst35, IronWarrior, Ivan10, Jakubson, Khersh, Killer21Pro, Kilopper, Kishka, KuBaLiBrA, Liberatore123, Liquidor, Marc777Marc, MartinenJulian12, MarvIV, Mawoloti, Miaka93, Michima, MopsSobaka, Mr.Heiseenberg, NeverTrue, NotPoopley, Oxygene13, PashaGovnoed228, QueenLaAoife, RaeyN87, RedCommand1, RomanT, RoyalRoosterWes, SERP24, Schwarzstorch, SebiSSD, SergeiG, SiberianBeast97, SkyWarker, SophieAD, SpartanHulkman, StefBerg00, Stuboro, TeCET, Tetris26126, TmaNew, Toka420, Twixxx100, Vasyl_Alex, WaveyDavey911, WhereIsTyberium, Wickerie, Xcopy, ZaferArici, Zaid^, Zypherbullet, [T2D]Pwn, andrey290821, astrara3, aurismat, besiktaspantro, bimmelwg, buritto_11, dontknowwhy, fancybeast, fatcatconscript, fear222, grochius, hakan03, iamtheon234, jonnieg09, k_, ktheel, lawStillAlive, leandroberteli, maximmoz, mustafaa, napashqua, niksergo86free, supersanfor2022, titan26126, tsem86, xoajavi1, zhan177

6 Games in Lobby

RedCommand1 (1/2)Battlebase BetaPatch 1.12
222 (6/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12
k_ (1/3)Genevo031 Haubibban Skrm 01Unknown
ChexMixBOLD (2/2)Co-Op CannesPatch 1.12
locked toka420 (5/6)Battlebase BetaPatch 1.12
Miaka93 (2/2)Co-Op MykonosPatch 1.12

23 Games in Progress

ErmungandPrime (2/2)Co-Op LeningradPatch 1.12
astrara3 (2/2)Co-Op Deep OceanPatch 1.12
Arnoldddddddddd (2/2)Co-Op LeningradUnknown
Michima (2/2)Co-Op YokohamaPatch 1.12
Wickerie (2/2)Co-Op New York CityPatch 1.12
locked 3135 (3/3)Z Normandy 1v5Unknown
2v2v2 (6/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12
RomanT (2/2)Co-Op Easter IslandPatch 1.12
Contra666 (2/2)Co-Op AmsterdamPatch 1.12
Liquidor (2/2)Co-Op North SeaPatch 1.12
Kishka (2/2)Co-Op North SeaPatch 1.12
Commandersanders (2/2)Co-Op Tokyo HarborPatch 1.12
locked Dentinho (2/2)Canals of CarnagePatch 1.12
Oxygene13 (2/2)Co-Op Mt. RushmorePatch 1.12
locked QW (6/6)Sub-Zero HourPatch 1.12
Ivan10 (2/2)Co-Op Mt. FujiPatch 1.12
RedCommand1 (2/2)Co-Op LeningradPatch 1.12
22 (6/6)Deeper At0mic EditPatch 1.12
locked FFF (4/4)Pool PartyPatch 1.12
BUCZEK (2/2)Co-Op AmsterdamPatch 1.12
locked PAPA (2/2)Spring FeverPatch 1.12
locked help (6/6)MagmageddonPatch 1.12
locked MartHiero (6/6)Sub-Zero HourPatch 1.12

Kane's Wrath Status

66 Players Online

-CALA, 0ne$triker, 360CAT, <**>2025<**>, Akasut, Amattalah, Amblyn2000, Angryslipper95, AssassinSpy1, Athos23, B.@.@.M., Bartjones, Craxyman, DiggaFridoking, El_Ladron, Elydra, G.I.R., GGHUN, IamA-BAD-Boy, Imperalol, JustPlay1, KWlover, KYOG0, KaneLover, KayOz, LEON94, Loading........, Luzifer667, MilkJuice, Mirabelle., MrDelko, P3T3R1, Penryuu, Prince_Ninurta, RRRRRex123, RSTAR, Sancristobal, ScarletWulf, Shugar, SlimGymLad6, Spawling, THERETARD66652, ThePurified, UltraWulf, Vatican`, VisceroidDealer, WINDCHILL1, WOOZIE_2, Wodis, Zurkan, bike-RUsh+ownz+, dankson, jpod16, killjoy513, kipfmeister2222, mafklapper44555, manu12314, morsipilami, noTib-noFuture, punisher1985, realplayers, runing, sreten, supfina, xuilkin228, zaschmaen

5 Games in Lobby

locked Bingus (3/4)Safety NestPatch 1.02
SlimGymLad6 (1/2)Pipeline ProblemsUnknown
KW VIP Club (8/8)Tiberian Gardens Viii 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02
LEON94 (1/2)Tournament Redzone 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02
1v1 (1/2)Tournament DecisionPatch 1.02

11 Games in Progress

WINDCHILL1 (2/2)Tournament CoastlinePatch 1.02
no scrin no random (5/5)Tiberium Gardens IIIPatch 1.02
locked Angryslipper95 (4/4)Dead SixPatch 1.02
locked ZZZHusky (4/4)Coastline ChaosUnknown
locked KayOz (4/4)The RocktagonPatch 1.02
locked kipfmeister2222 (6/6)Six Shooter ShowdownPatch 1.02
gl hf (6/6)Island Paradise (6) 2024 Edit By TaylorPatch 1.02
locked MilkJuice (3/3)Six Shooter ShowdownPatch 1.02
AI room TD (3/3)Lufia Tower Defence By TaaraPatch 1.02
2v2 (4/4)Redzone RampagePatch 1.02
locked dagadt (4/4)Forgotten Forest Six 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02

Tiberium Wars Status

11 Players Online

*REIGN*OF*ICE*3, Bigloul, CrimsonL, Elio1, HDN87, Mclovin1416, SparticusPrime, Timmy9, camperbob1, randyvectra149, wamzip

2 Games in Lobby

locked CrimsonL (1/2)Schlachtfeld StuttgartPatch 1.09
locked HDN87 (4/6)Dead SixPatch 1.09

1 Games in Progress

locked *REIGN*OF*ICE*3 (4/4)Tsunami2Unknown

Zero Hour Status

94 Players Online

-DELTA9-, -DiaBoLiC^, -OpS^, -SuperLaZy, -ahu`, Act2711, AfghanHeroin, Ali_a0a1, AndyBusu, Ash1988, BATMAN007, Badman2, BigNoob94, Buhareb, CTAC, Cesar, Coca|Cola^, Daemon5, DerPapavonHenri, DveKashike, Eisenkarl66, Eldridge1992, Enezz, Fo3N1337, G-units, G_Z_H_2020, Genera1s, GeneralSnoopy, GeneralYzx, Hajduk, Half3, Halfwitt24, Hellspirit27, IceBlock, Jangose, Kennycollects66, Kerle, Killroy44, KoenigB, LITXSV, Markus2605, MizunoMig, Netw0rk_Warrior, Nightspider, Ninja750R, Nooby11, OYT4, Peperonie, Schnikster, Severloh, SimTobi81, SpamRisk, Tash22KA, Termi2010, Tinky_Whisky, Trischnitz3434, Wisesoul, ZelenskyBeatFoe, Zeppi, [SoNIC]Training, abrakadabra11, akef2, anfigalicia, babbel, chopper77, dhammad1, diam, dino25, drthrax999, hardcore21cm, hussard66, jamescamden240, joeblow123, kaisoku22, karam1381, kotti, liampryde, madxeldridge, meeeeeeeeeee, nick_am, noobion1975, omar121212, reos, riaddx5, soul711, sunfire1707, szakaria, totaldest1, wATeRRrABLe-, whiteparrot, xKay, xayydee, zaid911, zo3o111

4 Games in Lobby

aod (2/4)Aod Trinity By Evanz1987 Fixed By Pasha 2021 [pashacnc Com]Patch 1.04
locked SimTobi81 (8/8)Twilight FlamePatch 1.04
2vs2 NR 10 sw aur db (4/4)Tournament IslandPatch 1.04
1v1 (1/3)Alpine AssaultPatch 1.04

Generals Status

0 Players Online

0 Games in Lobby


User ID 804490
Revora User Vald_Nope
Profiles ValdNope

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