
Red Alert 3 Status

107 Players Online

1285367, 098778900987, 2rozzz, AlbinoRhino, Beserkerlel, BigR, Bruunisen, CommanderCody67, Cry0Geek, DachiMK, DarkRaptor113, Default22, Dimitri_Asiimov, Dr.Guzman, Ebnutiy, Erviksen97, Factor5, Fangz, GANJUBAS-MIBIHA, GreeeeeeeenAlert, Grodos, GuyFlukes, HadolfTittler, Horst35, Illicitsleet420, Jabka_Kva, JackSkellington3, Joltray, Just_Alchemist, Kibbs, KuBaLiBrA, Lazzer, Leckmirdietesch, Masterkane27, Mizuki2912, Nammeroth, NanaScarlet, Niclas996, NopeDOTmp4, OVRLORD1, Ornomba, PANTHERK, Pandarovich, Pupsiki1122, QueenLaAoife, Ruseg, STARYK1, Sebi28, SergeiG, Slakky, Slymoo, SveG, SweetDreams, TennohikaBanzai, TerrorDroneOP, TheAxis, TheNOTBestPlayer, Tiger74, Tigorit, Tokmok, UnitLost:(, WeFi19992, Wersenya, Xcopy, XlrcosrlX, XonURhed, ZBK67, Zhuyuyang, Zozock88, [H2O]-DeIta-7, [ODS]Bashley, [ODS]Sniiper3Sam, _Kant, aeyer96, algo07, andrey290821, bannn, belloyss, berschdl, besiktaspantro, borets, crutoimen, danielboni, danier, ikillyou..., itsmehp2, jimmykudo17, lindenbergs, lorna, m0nezz, maximmoz, michtoten, mikey123456, noor, ordoss, patcollins1119, phillips2412, pompeu, pykora3, rsk443, skatik126, sloppynoodles, thorsten274, wow4ik93, yahsmmani, yellowich, |m8s|Stryderr

7 Games in Lobby

SveG (2/2)Co-Op Pearl HarborPatch 1.12/1.13
andrey290821 (1/6)Genevo032 Sgor00 Skrm 12Generals Evolution 0.32
2v2v2 host here (3/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12/1.13
222 new host here (6/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12/1.13
locked mockimockmock (6/6)Heck Freezes OverUnknown
locked LeavingLAWar.5 (2/6)MagmageddonPatch 1.12/1.13
Ornomba (2/2)Co-Op Pearl HarborPatch 1.12/1.13

21 Games in Progress

ordoss (2/2)Co-Op Von Esling AirbaseUnknown
Grodos (2/2)Co-Op GibraltarPatch 1.12/1.13
Niclas996 (2/2)Co-Op AmsterdamPatch 1.12/1.13
Pupsiki1122 (2/2)Co-Op North SeaPatch 1.12/1.13
michtoten (2/2)Co-Op MykonosPatch 1.12/1.13
ffa (6/6)Burnt-Out ParadisePatch 1.12/1.13
Zhuyuyang (2/2)Co-Op VladivostokPatch 1.12/1.13
locked flooo (6/6)Genevo032 Sgor00 Skrm 12Generals Evolution 0.32
wow4ik93 (2/2)Co-Op Deep OceanPatch 1.12/1.13
Slymoo (2/2)Co-Op Krasna-45Patch 1.12/1.13
JackSkellington3 (2/2)Co-Op Easter IslandPatch 1.12/1.13
Tokmok (2/2)Co-Op Mt. RushmorePatch 1.12/1.13
locked pize (3/3)PyroclasmPatch 1.12/1.13
222 (6/6)Deeper At0mic EditPatch 1.12/1.13
AlbinoRhino (2/2)Co-Op LeningradPatch 1.12/1.13
locked 3232 (4/4)Blitzen's BackPatch 1.12/1.13
jhjkf (6/6)Genevo Skrm 4 NoswGenerals Evolution 0.32
locked oso (4/4)MagmageddonPatch 1.12/1.13
locked 123456a (3/3)Hidden FortressPatch 1.12/1.13
GreeeeeeeenAlert (6/6)Sub-Zero HourPatch 1.12/1.13
[ODS]Bashley (2/2)Infinity IslePatch 1.12/1.13

Kane's Wrath Status

59 Players Online

6372, -Tommy-, >Johan<, ANAVRIN, Agus90, AidanPryde, Aktau4ever, Ayami, BillyAngel, BuakawBanchamek, Commander_nate, Cyberphob1c, DaMango, Eddy123456789, FPSMatt, FireBlaster1022, Futu, GGwhyNot, GloryofPersia, IamOrange, Incapaisa+Ownz, JonnyBurnsboy5, JustPlay1, Kokes14, M0raX, Mizakit, MrDelko#1, NoobKillrrr, OI^_^IO, OutLaw24osx, Protothomas, QueerKitty, RainMan, Ravenoushatred, Romikest, Shurrman, Spawling, THERETARD66652, Unidentified, WINDCHILL1, WreckerofMoms, XXcyberstormXX, ZX-spectrum, disciple.og, djyare80, eXs.Hanfxxx, gumdrops14, helloshitty, histor1a, kostnix, ranger@, realplayers, revoraSupport, rjacapa, sammy, sirkingjimmy, ssxx, supfina, thegame2007

5 Games in Lobby

Hanfys Pro Lounge © (2/8)Redzone Rampage 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
vs cpu (7/8)Erl115-big-td-top-killer-mode-8p-v1.2Patch 1.02/1.03
JustPlay1 (2/2)Black's Big BattlePatch 1.02/1.03
disciple.og (1/4)Crater of CarnagePatch 1.02/1.03
<Rock_that_Swing> (1/2)1v1 Unlimitedblue #2 UpgradePatch 1.02/1.03

8 Games in Progress

locked OutLawz WWIII (6/6)Tiberium WastelandPatch 1.02/1.03
locked Schönes Arbeiten (5/5)Dead SixPatch 1.02/1.03
1v1 (2/2)Tournament Airstrip 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
locked BotStomp (4/4)Arid RemainsPatch 1.02/1.03
fast (4/4)Redzone Rampage 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
locked games goods 1v1++ (2/2)Tournament Odyssey 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
locked Ravenous (4/4)Ice Arena 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
join here (2/2)1vs1 Unlimited Resources And PowerPatch 1.02/1.03

Tiberium Wars Status

6 Players Online

Zjon, bigbaz, pyranhajed, robvanderpol, superkeet, wooly123

0 Games in Lobby

2 Games in Progress

locked wooly123 (4/4)The Battle for Middle EgyptPatch 1.09/1.10
locked POllemannennnenVrouw (8/8)Bordertown BeatdownPatch 1.09/1.10

Zero Hour Status

106 Players Online

-SuperLaZy, -k|LLrA|nMan^, AfghanHeroin, Ala46, Alpine_16, Aminshik, AndriiNiceDick1, BASCO, Bailey184, BattleBoss, BlackfieldGR, Bradley22, BtkAGreschor, CTAC, Champ1386, ChirsUwU, Clarky77, CondiRice, DaddYTrump, DerBaro0n, ElGenKa, Fredr1x, G_Z_H_2020, Gaby01, GeneralSnoopy, GeneralYzx, Hauser464, Hostile_GLA, IBP11, IBRAHIMMMM98, Ishu288OuPal, KIWISG, Kamikaze_Air, Kojak999, Kontora, LazyWVB, Malstrime, Maverik286, Midaeel, MikeHo, Mitrogoal, PERKELE, Pr1de228, QAKyle, RamizG51, Reissdorf, SHADOW0X8, Serfa8, Serj1, Sidinia, SirDonDaniel, Spritze, Swyy, Trogdor88, Weurg, Wisesoul, XDark89, ZEUS888, ZG01, ZelenskyBeatFoe, ZywOo-^, alirez021, amorixaziz, beerdrunklord, beunbvrh, beunhaas95, captin45, cempasa, cheekie, clarionhectic3, daegu, doc^holiday, f4ke0815, farhadsafari722, fred2014, hitler000, issafar26, jackyzcy, jcr33, kanajambe, kenzel, kevin1988, killerik151, king_112, leenvanfrisia, ma2453, master10, mestrenoob, mgm, midnight0211, nickrick, omigato, purpleRaben, romaninter, salatoj, sandrows, scoorooch, smagoolii, stephan94, stockcitrus, temso, tmaloney7, uill, wolter712, xSnakeplisken, zaid911

8 Games in Lobby

Alpine_16 (1/1)1v1v1v1v1 SmallPatch 1.04/1.05
locked wolter712 (6/6)Red RockPatch 1.04/1.05
aod pro (4/6)[aod] Super V By Rdb V2 [pashacnc Com]Patch 1.04/1.05
locked vadim_go_go (1/2)Alpine AssaultPatch 1.04/1.05
locked stockcitrus (4/4)El ScorchoUnknown
2v2v2 pro rules (1/6)Defcon6Patch 1.04/1.05
222 pro (1/6)Defcon6Patch 1.04/1.05
2v2 no rush 10 no sw (1/4)Tournament IslandPatch 1.04/1.05

Generals Status

2 Players Online

DrHLecter, GEV

1 Games in Lobby

locked DrHLecter (1/4)Lone EaglePatch 1.08/1.09


Profile ID 1001535110
User Radiothom1337
Status Active
Online Stats Generals | Zero Hour | Tiberium Wars | Kane's Wrath | Red Alert 3
Buddies Maverik286

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