
Red Alert 3 Status

80 Players Online

123Studos, ASDGRH34a, Banan-emperor, BertusPopma, Beynur, ChainTrack, ClausJackson, Cleverbot-_-, Contra666, DarkRaptor113, DeepRush2050, Exawatt117, Fleurdelis, Gerdarian, Grof1312, GruttePier, Horst35, IAMKI, ISOh, IronWarrior, Jakubson, Justwait, Killian68, KuBaLiBrA, Kuestenplatz, LeninIsAlive, LionMoon, MajorEazy21, MarvIV, Mayrou, MrRidge, Nasser123, Nizo5, NotPoopley, PG3, Panzar, PashaGovnoed228, PrinceSaleh, ROER_XXX, RexChance, SERP24, Schwarzstorch, Seblito67380, Skrip04ka, SkyWarker, Steiner123123, TennohikaBanzai, The_Deeper, Unityis1, Viking7, YameteKudasay, Zoker, ^^v-156[82]95--, ahmad_orget, ametarmani, asSpain512, astrara3, besiktaspantro, bigHemmer, bosnaredalert3, boss789, chumumay, crocket56, eddyham193, gooddgame, hurlumhejhuset, iaraUM, incognita_ra3, leandroberteli, ledauphin, lfcameron1, mastengu69420, menoobish2, muon, peqpie, phillips2412, pykora3, stone69, tuttyfruti, zeronova84

4 Games in Lobby

locked TheWho?.9 (1/4)Pool PartyPatch 1.12
222 (4/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12
locked Darije ovde igramo brate (1/3)PyroclasmPatch 1.12
hajmoooooo (1/2)Battlebase BetaPatch 1.12

17 Games in Progress

Mayrou (2/2)Co-Op Von Esling AirbasePatch 1.12
ASDGRH34a (2/2)Co-Op Easter IslandPatch 1.12
Contra666 (2/2)Co-Op YokohamaPatch 1.12
BertusPopma (2/2)Co-Op HavanaPatch 1.12
peqpie (2/2)Co-Op OdessaPatch 1.12
incognita_ra3 (6/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12
locked heizung (3/3)Uhud BattlefieldPatch 1.12
seblito (6/6)Dual Duel VkanePatch 1.12
locked GGGGGGGGG (4/4)Rock RidgePatch 1.12
zeronova84 (2/2)Co-Op HavanaPatch 1.12
PriNce ggs plz (6/6)Rebalanced Carville By EstcoeuroeilPatch 1.12
locked cam (4/4)Reef MadnessPatch 1.12
Kuestenplatz (2/2)Co-Op Tokyo HarborPatch 1.12
muon (2/2)Co-Op LeningradPatch 1.12
locked ROER_XXX (4/4)Feasel9 Ep1Patch 1.12
astrara3 (2/2)Co-Op Mt. FujiPatch 1.12
IAMKI (2/2)Co-Op OdessaPatch 1.12

Kane's Wrath Status

48 Players Online

02198333, 501vv, Alice2008, Amattalah, AwakenSouls77, BWAudio, BankProper, Biohazard777, BlackLo_Nihilus, BlueBabyBel, CarlosM, DoofyVII, FamilyStoic, Gallenspeier, Jetta, JustPlay1, KWclapper, Kane875676, Mackers, MrDelko, Muhammad777, OnyxFnx, PowerWithin, Psyop, Renedsfggdd, Scrinhentai, SlimGymLad6, Soseies65, Spawling, StealheadJr, ^SuperDoc98^, buttmeat, cheeco, dankson, dump_trump, fitztheviking, kemist01, masterleaf5, passskill, realplayers, runing, sonderrpunkt, sreten, supfina, therosinman, trojan47, ttiikk, werz

7 Games in Lobby

SlimGymLad6 (1/4)The Battle for Middle EgyptUnknown
sreten (3/4)Island Paradise (4) 2024Patch 1.02
locked Biohazard777 (5/6)[biohazard] Trooper (1.1)Patch 1.02
locked TheChillRoom (6/6)Dead SixPatch 1.02
locked werz (1/2)Barstow BadlandsPatch 1.02
2v2 (5/5)Redzone Rampage 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02
locked Renedsfggdd (5/8)The RocktagonPatch 1.02

3 Games in Progress

locked MAJOR CON DOM (2/2)Tournament DustbowlPatch 1.02
locked Nervennahrung (5/5)Tiberium Gardens IIIPatch 1.02
CarlosM (2/2)Tournament ArenaPatch 1.02

Tiberium Wars Status

0 Players Online

0 Games in Lobby

0 Games in Progress

Zero Hour Status

109 Players Online

AK70, Alijoon, B0UBAKA, BCGeneralDark, BH-zajcew, BasicallyADiety, BigNoob94, BoSaN, BoooM1976, Boy99911, CTAC, Captaindeadpool, Causingflyer, Chazashenefield, Citrus089, ClownShoe, Cryptz, FatGrumpo, G-units, GREEKMAN, GaPeX, Greenpeace, HASIMp, Hajduk, Helena21, Hellcat89, IBP11, Icefishing12345, J3SUS, JustPly, KIWISG, Koronabedrog, LordBagera, LordJremy, Modinho, MuTaNt25, NUNO_, Nightspider, Nikuto13, NoWayBuddy, Peperonie, Phantom07, Philaner, Pikaper, ROBOBERT, RSPRO385, Raagnaar, Refu91, SamboSocrates99, Seaseaseas, SillySimon, Slitherygnu3, Sohrab, Stihl350, StuntOnThis, Tash22KA, ToSteel, UH60AV8R, WMT777, Willhoo, WittyF0x, ZelenskyBeatFoe, Zeppi, [R]aNdY`, abrakadabra11, adamorlando, alyzen, baineisking, bauer^, brodar1, cheekie, chowefeltrsnach, dhammad1, dino25, drthrax999, duxcmd, fred2014, glaworker7, hosein_ghatel, irooney, j10, jespin, kaung494, killersy1, kimbo909, kurdooo, layzyz, loue2323, lucas828, merkhan, msdshj, nickrick, nooob321654, oldfox2412, olivinho, oo7, raminzarifi, rgrekfehk735634, sekiz77, sevyves, sinan_ee, slonce, snowakawho, szakaria, wATeRRrABLe-, weydstunter, whiteparrot, zaid911, zo3o111

10 Games in Lobby

locked WittyF0x (5/6)Red RockUnknown
3v3 nr10 sw aur (2/7)Defcon6Patch 1.04
3v3 no rush 10 (3/7)Defcon6Patch 1.04
Helena21 (1/2)Tournament CityPatch 1.04
locked Nikuto13 (5/8)Battle For ReachPatch 1.04
2VS2 GAME (4/4)Spliff-survival-1oilPatch 1.04
locked Chazashenefield (1/8)Twilight FlamePatch 1.04
vs comp Y can win? (4/5)Transition Zh Ai V14Patch 1.04
locked Refu91 (4/8)Death ValleyPatch 1.04
2v2v2 pro r (6/6)Defcon6Patch 1.04

Generals Status

2 Players Online

UnseenEntropy, coffee4brkfst

1 Games in Lobby

locked coffee4brkfst (2/2)Alpine AssaultPatch 1.08


Profile ID 1000475012
User xian2236672763
Status Active
Online Stats Generals | Zero Hour | Tiberium Wars | Kane's Wrath | Red Alert 3
Buddies No buddies

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