
Red Alert 3 Status

107 Players Online

278192, -sven-, 2rozzz, A.L.A_86, APPLEBEES2for24, ASDGRH34a, Alvin_Tey, Blacki96Blacki96, Boris135, CarterLikesBalls, Comessatorem, Commandersanders, DarkRaptor113, Devil_Home, Dimasik27, DonRon, FrizZz, FrostStormik, Gaet75004, Gopnikov, GuillimanWH40, H2O||wili, Horst35, I)estr0yer, Ibrahim9988, Issam24, Jakubson, Joerschi, Kezz23, Kickasskoala2310, Kirilllllllllll, Kishka, Kratos552, KuBaLiBrA, Liberatore123, Maxim230217, Michima, Mr.Fillipok, NeverTrue, NickolaTesla, Pabigoner, PacinoAll, QueenLaAoife, Raywen, Robbes, S.Vextha, STARYK1, SUUCC, Schwarzstorch, Seblito67380, SergeiG, Shizu123, SiberianBeast97, SkyWarker, SoldierPro2, Spy-Force0, Stealth177, TeCET, Tetris26126, TheFerhatKing, Twixxx100, Vallack2000, VladWasTaken, WhiteNinja, Wimbuytaert, XeniX9, YBGRiker123, YamahaFA, YandexMusic, Yannick83, Zaid^, [T2D]Pwn, aeron92, aloisalois, andras88, andrey290821, bannn, besiktaspantro, chumumay, crocket56, danielboni, dzikikonrad, fatcatconscript, hakan03, hurlumhejhuset, incognita_ra3, itsmehp2, k_, lawStillAlive, ledauphin, mahmuod96, mastengu69420, merlecorey, napashqua, openheavens, payster, phillips2412, q_, qqw31, robbazzzz, sandrgust, sihingdaniel, sir3obada, titan26126, tsem86, tuttyfruti, vodoccanal

2 Games in Lobby

-sven- (1/2)Battlebase BetaPatch 1.12
2v2v2 (2/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12

19 Games in Progress

222 HOST HERE (6/6)Rebalanced Carville By Deeper AftPatch 1.12
WhiteNinja (2/2)Co-Op MykonosPatch 1.12
locked WimAndSons (6/6)MagmageddonPatch 1.12
Michima (2/2)Co-Op HavanaPatch 1.12
epic ffa (6/6)Burnt-Out ParadisePatch 1.12
locked mahmuod96 (6/6)Genevo031 Sgor00 Skrm 14Unknown
Stealth177 (2/2)Co-Op New York CityPatch 1.12
Kishka (2/2)Co-Op Mt. FujiPatch 1.12
Commandersanders (2/2)Co-Op New York CityPatch 1.12
locked Team Steam (3/3)Hidden FortressPatch 1.12
222 go host here (6/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12
ASDGRH34a (2/2)Co-Op GenevaPatch 1.12
Mitchell (2/2)Infinity IslePatch 1.12
qqw31 (2/2)Co-Op Pearl HarborPatch 1.12
carvil (6/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12
andrey290821 (2/2)Genevo031 Sgor00 Skrm 16Unknown
locked an (4/4)Genevo031 Sgor00 Skrm 13Unknown
bannn (4/4)Rock RidgePatch 1.12
1 VS 1 (2/2)Infinity IslePatch 1.12

Kane's Wrath Status

51 Players Online

$killOut, 321etroporttauq, Amattalah, Archangel06, B_TAHKE_EHOT, Biohazard777, BlueBabyBel, BringerofAsh, BrunoPL123, Craxyman, CupcakeTK, D4nt389, David_91_ZD, Dawidek1993., DonGPTO, Dummabergeil, DynaKnee, EaglesClaw, FireHawk032, Gareed, General_Vega_, Grado_Empire, Greyjay, IamA-BAD-Boy, Jeej, Juggernaut023, JustPlay1, JzmKnight, KGB1, KINSERVIK, KYOG0, Kane875676, MagTraher, Mozah, Muhammad777, NoScopeOwns, PowerWithin, RRRRRex123, SOSOK1990, STLgaMing, Shugar, StealheadJr, THEKILLER66652, Talos1, UnderworldFox, Warm_Kava, runing, scorpioncnc, shoga16, standwithukrain, supfina

7 Games in Lobby

locked Jeej (4/4)Frontier FracasPatch 1.02
Dawidek1993. (6/6)Six Shooter ShowdownPatch 1.02
locked AWD (4/8)Island Paradise Eight 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02
locked BringerofAsh (4/4)the Rock For Kw 2015 Edited By Kkmanman4Patch 1.02
1s mid (1/2)Tournament Odyssey Redzone 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02
locked NoScopeOwns (4/6)Black's Bigger BattlePatch 1.02
locked EaglesClaw (5/6)Middle East Beatdown 2 By Centurian1Patch 1.02

7 Games in Progress

locked DynaLoc (5/5)Siege of the White CityPatch 1.02
1 vs 1 (2/2)Pipeline ProblemsPatch 1.02
locked Biohazard777 (6/6)[biohazard] Trooper (1.1)Patch 1.02
... (4/4)Redzone Rampage 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02
GML 2-2 (6/6)Redzone Rampage 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02
1v1 Promo vs Killer (2/2)Tournament Arena 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02
ALL WELCOME (2/2)Redzone Rampage 1v1Patch 1.02

Tiberium Wars Status

6 Players Online

1238201, 4E7HER00, LeBronze, Micha1990, hooliganka, tirana420

2 Games in Lobby

locked tirana420 (1/2)Deadly SertoPatch 1.09
1238201 (1/2)Deadly SertoPatch 1.09

0 Games in Progress

Zero Hour Status

57 Players Online

-DeGayicon, -FedEx, Abdalwahab, AfghanHeroin, Amit89, B0UBAKA, BomberRevoluton, CTAC, Caruso3004, ClownShoe, DEN1, Dharmendra, Digvijay85, Donnerhuhn, Ebanbko, Fo3N1337, G_Z_H_2020, GeneralSnoopy, GeneralYzx, J3SUS, Kennycollects66, LeeBy1, Ltrolly, Marco1983, Mazen103, Metalhead1977, Network_Warrior, New_generals, Putin1, Roydy, SANTUS2017, Severloh, Sirdave1, TYNAMlTE14, UH60AV8R, ZelenskyBeatFoe, bing1995, champ033, chowefeltrsnach, contaki10, davidanguscraig, frez1997, gadbis, hussard66, kosmak004, maxiking76, meeeeeeeeeee, nooob321654, razorpmn, reos, secopaty, steduntedunton, supreme033, szakaria, testLeNouveau, wATeRRrABLe-, zaid911

5 Games in Lobby

locked UH60AV8R (1/8)Death ValleyPatch 1.04
222 pro (5/7)Defcon6Patch 1.04
locked kosmak004 (1/2)Leipzig LowlandsPatch 1.04
razorpmn (1/4)Victory ValleyPatch 1.04
SANTUS2017 (1/2)Mountain GunsPatch 1.04

Generals Status

0 Players Online

0 Games in Lobby


Profile ID 1000171728
User GinjegRSA
Status Active
Online Stats Generals | Zero Hour | Tiberium Wars | Kane's Wrath | Red Alert 3
Buddies No buddies

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