
Red Alert 3 Status

102 Players Online

ALIGN95, BivanPetrovich, Brkosa, Bronxh, BuriyAlert, Cleverbot-_-, CocaineKoda66, ComeWithMe1998, DanielBlyat, Darakhore, Digs720, Duck4, EGYPTIAN_RUSHER, Eddie53Server, FlacidLemon, Gaura808, GrandTeki, GreedTea, Gyalian, HalidBinVelid, Horst35, Hottler76, Jakubson, JusttOli, Khametti, KingBeavis, Kitkat211, KuBaLiBrA, Kurapur, KurskDestroyer, LDani, Lord_Chuckles, MF9744, MalakaiC, MasterPurple, MaxBoychuk, Nammeroth, Neonit, Neuromancer815, NewtonDeFaggut, PRXPHET, PattyC8433, Pormacska, Qrage, QuadroComRade, QueenLaAoife, Red_Bubbles, Ryuvao, Scorneddd, SebbyDiProphet, Shaddar90, Shirku, Shocky97, SolDex, Speranski271828, StrayCatSuka, StupidMachine, TehWulf, Vorlik55, Voshiich, Worriedblowfish, Xatfy667, Xcopy, Yirik_Pidoras, Zypherbullet, _Kant, asdasd456456, astrara3, besiktaspantro, bomba6662006, dRingaet, dem0, fedot12I2, ghostagent, hakan03, hansteuween, ikillyou..., ilyabh, kaiteki, kidSwift, ksushkaEGG, lindenbergs, lindley90, mishook, new_mstitor, opoqua, ponoser137, psfp5, shadolo2, sqee84, tableW, tigleytummy12, tnt57050, tsem86, valcion, wesam1, wickedavo, xxMasterMindxx, xxyazan00, yarikkrasava777, yellowich, yurex

2 Games in Lobby

Shaddar90 (2/2)Co-Op LeningradPatch 1.12/1.13
222 (1/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12/1.13

24 Games in Progress

Pormacska (2/2)Co-Op Mt. FujiPatch 1.12/1.13
LDani (2/2)Co-Op Tokyo HarborPatch 1.12/1.13
lindley90 (2/2)Co-Op MoscowPatch 1.12/1.13
asdasd456456 (2/2)Co-Op HeidelbergPatch 1.12/1.13
KingBeavis (2/2)Co-Op North SeaPatch 1.12/1.13
Worriedblowfish (2/2)Co-Op Deep OceanPatch 1.12/1.13
Xatfy667 (2/2)Co-Op HeidelbergUnknown
Khametti (2/2)Co-Op LeningradPatch 1.12/1.13
JusttOli (2/2)Camp A05 Northsea JpnUnknown
PattyC8433 (2/2)Co-Op Easter IslandPatch 1.12/1.13
mishook (2/2)Co-Op GenevaPatch 1.12/1.13
Ryuvao (2/2)Co-Op Mt. FujiPatch 1.12/1.13
locked Komanchi Vishogo Stazhu (2/2)Ge Mp 2 Feasel9 Ep1Generals Evolution 0.32
wickedavo (2/2)Co-Op Easter IslandPatch 1.12/1.13
2v2v2 (6/6)Carville By Deeper Aft V2Patch 1.12/1.13
MalakaiC (2/2)Co-Op Brighton BeachPatch 1.12/1.13
tigleytummy12 (2/2)Co-Op New York CityUnknown
ffa (5/5)Murder MesaPatch 1.12/1.13
locked 123 (6/6)Genevo032 Aymcam Skrm 02Generals Evolution 0.32
MasterPurple (3/3)[ra3] Allied2roboticmadnesshardUnknown
ghostagent (2/2)Co-Op Santa MonicaPatch 1.12/1.13
locked greed (2/2)Fire IslandPatch 1.12/1.13
ilyabh (2/2)Co-Op MykonosPatch 1.12/1.13
xxMasterMindxx (2/2)Infinity Isle[1.12.6]Patch 1.12/1.13

Kane's Wrath Status

52 Players Online

-Faded-, -Tommy-, 0lax0, <**>2025<**>, B4NKSY, BaQQ, BarryBonds, Bernhard_S, BlackKnightBack, Bladestormy8, CBLHellscream, Dimooooon, General-8, GiraffeTravel, Haisonberb, IIllllIIIllIlIl, Igor2022krystal, Imperalol, JonnyBurnsboy5, Kane875676, LeFerri$te, Loading........, MrDelko#1, NemisisPrime, Paradise, RainMan, RedLikeSnow, Ririmo, S-WQW, ScottishScott, SevTheReaper, Shevchenko21, TauXV9, WINDCHILL1, WOOZIE_2, ZX-spectrum, afdsgsfs, beckyalice1996, bigmac89new, bizarioeagle, djyare80, fspp, ioannis, kanes_only_son, maxify, oIma, realplayers, spanktru, spectral2133, supfina, trini50, uncle_kane

5 Games in Lobby

no scrin no random (2/5)Tiberium Gardens IIIPatch 1.02/1.03
locked afdsgsfs (2/8)The RocktagonPatch 1.02/1.03
maxify (3/6)Island Paradise (4) 2024Patch 1.02/1.03
locked french (5/6)Tournament Redzone 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
locked Bladestormy8 (3/5)Tiberium Gardens IIIPatch 1.02/1.03

6 Games in Progress

locked CBLHellscream (2/2)Tournament CoastlinePatch 1.02/1.03
2s (4/4)Hurricane Lands 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03
locked JonnyBurnsboy5 (2/2)Barstow BadlandsPatch 1.02/1.03
locked B4NKSY (4/4)Dark WatersPatch 1.02/1.03
vs CPU (8/8)Erl115xrls - Asteroid Defense 2025 Random R1 EasierPatch 1.02/1.03
ZX-spectrum (5/5)Redzone Rampage 1.02+ 22jPatch 1.02/1.03

Tiberium Wars Status

2 Players Online

Fun-Gamer96, Henni96

0 Games in Lobby

0 Games in Progress

Zero Hour Status

69 Players Online

---Z---, Adywady, AhadiArian, AlreadyFamous, AutThunder, BastisPapa, BeastlyBrando, BlackfieldGR, BrokenDevil, CTAC, Captain-Jamie, Celtics33, CoCo2030, DEN1, DaJoXTeR, FartSimpson, Fd3oooS, GM, G_Z_H_2020, GeneralSnoopy, GeneralUmbra, Hazemmr, Helena21, Hostile_GLA, Jiko, KoenigB, KosmoCramer, LeSaiks, LilMinkey, Meistereder004, MikeHo, MrWalter, NOR-555, OberTrottel, Putin2000, Sal-man, SilentGhost666, Simulated, StuntOnThis, XXKXKY, Yaasssss, YourPalBobby, Zampo1334, ahmed00700, amirhpr, anas31, arslan123456, bigpunisher, chitta, doc^holiday, drivenking, drthrax999, ehsankhalili, fmamkagh, generalzerohou, hamidreza2623, jaber91, jamiebasher, mental55, nemgi, noobionI975, ontask, shurlee, stef27, teamup, testLeNouveau, xSnakeplisken, yaser103am, zaid911

6 Games in Lobby

locked xSnakeplisken (2/2)Final CrusadePatch 1.04/1.05
BlackfieldGR (3/4)Casino Diamond V3 1 By SbnPatch 1.04/1.05
Helena21 (1/2)Tournament CityPatch 1.04/1.05
2v2v2 pro rule s (6/6)Defcon6Patch 1.04/1.05
2v2v2 pro rules (3/5)Defcon6Patch 1.04/1.05
locked jaber91 (4/4)Dark NightPatch 1.04/1.05

Generals Status

1 Players Online


0 Games in Lobby


Profile ID 1000005412
Status Active
Online Stats Generals | Zero Hour | Tiberium Wars | Kane's Wrath | Red Alert 3
Buddies db, Pentalgin-N.

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